Thursday, August 30, 2007
Back to the Future
If you could go back in time and talk to yourself as a kid, what would you tell your kid-self?
I have never been the type to want to do any age over again. Each year is different, yet the same, and full of possibilities to learn and grow, and have more fun than the year before! However, I know that the desire to share our retrospect with our past selves is tempting...impossible, but tempting.
If I could share what I know now with my kid-self, it might go like this:
Kid, stop worrying about the future and enjoy this time with your family and less responsibility. There will be hard times, and wonderful times, and you'll make it through them all. Don't wait to stand up for what you believe in; someday soon you'll be respected for it instead of harassed. You'll become strong, funny, smart...and boys will finally think you are cute! There is no such thing as a perfect person, God is listening, and your parents really are cool (and right!). Oh, and don't be embarrassed when your mom flashes the sign language for "I love you" in front of your friends...just do it back and mean it. It means more to her now, and it will mean more to you later.
And finally, just love life, SMILE, and don't let the bullies, pouts, and poor sports convince you that you shouldn't enjoy the blessings you have been graced with. Be smart! Be brave! Be bold! It all turns out ok, in His plan.
Of course, I may be a little young to be certain of what I would say, and maybe in 20 more years I'll have more I would want to share with my self now, during this present.
Stay young at heart! Your past is not your future...
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
A Fool Calls it Luck
I recalled one last night as I was trying to think of what to share here today. A dear friend's husband used to say this when I would wish them good luck:
Luck is a fool's way of labeling God's blessings. What you mean is to wish God's blessings...
I paraphrase, of course, because I didn't note the direct quote at the time. I've heard the concept a few other times since then, but his perspective is the most vivid. While I do still wish good luck, it means more in my heart; there is really no such thing as luck, just God's promise to bless our lives if we have faith in His plan.
God bless!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Have a Good Day!

10 Ways to Have a Better Day Today
by Geno Stampora
- Wake up 30 Minutes Early
- Read, Listen, or Watch Something Uplifting
- Eat a Good Breakfast to Start You Off Right (oh my mom would LOVE this tip!)
- Choose Your Winning Attitude
- Be Aware of What They are Telling You
- Make the Most of What You Do
- Always Remember that People are Listening
- Be Honest and Fair to Others
- Pace Your Energy to Last All Day
- Get in Bed Early and Study for the Future (easier said than done it seems, but right on. It includes journaling or reading at bedtime.)
Many blessings!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
When I Get Where I'm Going
There is a song that I love by one of my favorite country musicians, Brad Paisley (duet with Dolly Parton, another fave). It's called When I Get Where I'm Going, and it is about how we shouldn't begrudge people the happiness of finally joining our Father in heaven. This is the chorus:
When I get where I'm going there'll be only happy tears.
I will shed the sins and troubles I have carried all these years.
I'll keep my heart wide open, I will love and have no fear.
When I get where I'm going, don't cry for me down here.
Another piece I remember is a poem from the TV show Little House on the Prairie (yes, I love it...and I am teased incessantly by most people my age for it...LOL). A woman new she was dying and wrote the reverend a poem to read at her grave:
Remember me with smile and laughter
for that is how I'll remember you all
If you can only remember me with tears,
Then don't remember me at all.
My Grandpa was known for always having a big smile on his face and being friendly to loved ones and strangers alike. I was surprised God left him here with us so long, because he is such a joy to be around that I was sure He would want him home sooner. So really, the only tears he deserves are tears of gladness that he is safe and sound, and perfect in heaven. I'm not saying this is easy to think and react beyond my own emotions, but it helps to have words and songs to think about when the missing gets stronger than the rejoicing.
Of course, the strongest words of encouragement can be found in Thessalonians 4:13-18. You would do your soul well to look it up and read it slowly, acknowledging the vision it paints, and realizing it will happen, when we all get where we're "going."
In honor of my Grandpa, I pass along to you one of the things he would tell me all the time:
Always wear a people wonder what you're up to. :)
Friday, August 24, 2007
Week's end challenge
Here are my week's blessings:
- New creative outlet in blogging (aren't you lucky!?)
- Wild turkeys are helping to turn over my mulch beds (hey, their little feet are better than any rake!)
- Fall color has already hit a Liquidambar and my Maples (autumn is so close!)
- I was able to help out a friend who is more than always there for me
- God keeps testing me and I'm still hanging on
**BONUS: and It's Friday!!!
Have a safe and delightful weekend!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Woman to woman...shhhhhhh
"Your arms are definitely looking bigger."
I said this to him and he got all bashful, and shy, looking modest and said "I don't think so...really?" So cute! Having been married now for several years, I'm finally accepting that men don't want the same compliments women crave. "You look nice," or "I like your hair" doesn't go over the same on most men. However, I do believe that men still care what we think of their bodies and even if they don't admit it, a little affirmation that their bods still spark us up, goes a long way.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."
I love laughing, especially when it means encouraging his laugh. The more I talk to fellow wives, the more I realize how silly husbands can be behind closed doors with their wives. Giving a hearty laugh really encouraged the fun behavior and sparked an energy that went beyond a good laugh. ;)
"Wow." or "Impressive!"
It sounded cheesy and stereotypical, but it worked. I don't remember what I chose to respond to with this, but I do remember that he paused in his tracks and looked affirmed. It doesn't matter what you use it for; could be a tremendous feat or an everyday chore, but saying this little word seemed to show my appreciation for his efforts as a man, more than "thank you" or "you did a good job" could ever communicate.
"The kids just adore you."
We don't have kids yet, but I know how important being a good dad will be to my husband when we do have a child. I'll have to remember this affirmation...let me know if it works. :)
"What do you think?"
I often find myself caught up in what "I think" when it comes to decisions in our marriage, and this simple question of interest not only allows him input, but also forces me to slow down and listen.
"Cute feet."
Hard to explain, but it did cause a giggle, smile, and bashful reaction. Often men's feet are not considered appealing, and complimenting this feature proved worth the effort. I think the only time a woman could get away with using "cute" to describe a part of the male body is in this case...use sparingly or they may get suspicious.
"I want you."
Simple, to the point, and obviously meeting one of man's primary interests, and affirming you still find him appealing. Just be sure you have time for the response...
Please feel free to share your own experiences with "wow-ing" your man. In my experience I am happier when he is happy, and he is happy when I am happy; to encourage the circle I'm willing to spare a few one-liners to make his moment. Happy wow-ing!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Developing 20/20 Hindsight...
Today I remember something from a year ago that was troubling, scary, and frustrating. Looking back I find it only appropriate to note the blessings that have happened since then, which I couldn't imagine happening at that time.
To name a few:
- new role at work with flexibility to work from home
- first house
- first dog
- clearing debt
- my husband's employment offered more stability for our future
- our first “new” couch (donated furniture is a blessing, but there is something special about furniture you pick out)
- Inherited a truck (very handy for new home owners)
- Hosted our first Christmas dinner in our new home
- Planted in soil, rather than containers
- Still faithful there is a plan
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
My first blog!
I am interested in sharing ideas on living today's hectic life as a woman who is grateful and content with what she has, as well as optimistic and ambitious about what could be. As wife, daughter, sister, friend, coworker, and someday a mother, I try count the blessings I was given as a woman.
I hope this site will inspire women to remember that they can be bold, while still being innocent, hopeful, while not naive, assertive and intelligent, while listening and learning. I believe there is a balance between strength and submission as a woman that can bring peace, grace, and beauty to the life of The Blessed Woman, or La Donna Benedetta.