Sunday, September 16, 2007

10 Things I Love About My Spouse

A friend gave me a list of prompts for journaling or scrapbooking. One of them caught my attention and I thought it would be appropriate to share here, since this blog is about counting my blessings.

10 Things I Love About My Husband...seems like something that most wives would want to brag about often, but in my brief marital experience, the things I love about my husband aren't always the things I talk about instantly. As wives we are advised to not speak poorly of our husbands to others, but so often it seems easier to share the frustrating parts of marriage, rather than the blessings.

So in effort to earn forgiveness for my slight of mouth, I want to share, wholeheartedly (and humbly) the...

10 Things I Love About My Husband:
  1. His work ethic ~ I will never have to worry about him not providing for our family. He works to provide for us every day of the week, and rarely complains.
  2. His devotion to family, even when he won't admit it.
  3. His bright blue eyes and how deeply they look at me.
  4. He often is first to say he loves me after we argue.
  5. His willingness to help loved ones and friends. He's also a thoughtful and generous tipper.
  6. The silly side he only shows me; he makes me laugh!
  7. He remembers things I say I'd like and then surprises me with them as gifts for Christmas or my birthday.
  8. He dreams big and plans how to achieve his goals.
  9. He likes most of my cooking and doesn't complain about meals.
  10. He gets mad at me when I get the door for myself.

Actually as I listed I realized I could keep listing more qualities or thoughts about my husband. Instead, I'll save those for another day when I need to remind myself of the blessings God has given me in my husband and through marriage.

Change the tendency to vent about challenges in your marriage and share the blessings instead.
What are 5-10 things you love about your spouse?


Anonymous said...

There are so many reasons to love Eric....
Hard working
Wonderful father
Nice Butt
Loves God
Encourages me when I am stressed
Stands up for his family
and always has a positive attitude!

Ok the last part was a joke, but I love him just the same! I so agree we should be lifting up our spouses to others and not tearing them down. I love my husband too. I think this is an awesome post!

Anonymous said...

It's so good to see a woman building her husband up instead of bashing him. Good job.
I love my ole man, too, for many reasons, here's some:
He's not a flirt
He plays with kids
He doesn't whine
He's easy on the eyes
He's happy no matter what I make for dinner
He's nice to my family
The rest are secrets

Anonymous said...

ewww gross Michele! The rest are secrets. Now that is just something I don't want to hear about your husband!!!

Anonymous said...

))))))))))))))))))) it is matchless ;)

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