Friday, July 25, 2008

Like a Sparrow

"Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest." Proverbs 26:2

I was searching tonight for the verse I was reminded of by a few small birds (pictured) tonight in my yard. They made me think of the promise God gives that we, as His children, are more precious than even a sparrow, and if He can keep track of even the sparrows, certainly then we are worth more to Him. Well, I found that verse (or several references in Matthew and Luke), but what caught my attention was the Proverb above, which seemed more fitting to the promise I'm holding on to dearly this year.

I didn't recall this Proverb, but as with many of the other Proverbs and Psalms I read, I continue to be in awe of the words written so long ago, which remain relevant today. In need of visuals to focus my faith on from time to time, I can imagine a bird, flying, hopping, flitting, branch to branch. Just when you think it's stopped long enough that you can fix your eye on it, or chart it's course, the bird flies off, out of sight. Just as with evil, the littlest noise or notice makes the bird uneasy or on alert, tempted to leave before it could be captured.

Now I can picture in my life, a curse aimed at me, but because of God's promise to bless me for doing what is right, what is loving, what is good in His name, that curse, like the jumpy bird, won't and can't stay with me. Like the darting swallow, this undeserved curse will not rest. Thank God! :)

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