Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11...remember when

It was a little odd today, being that after 6 years, September 11th fell on a Tuesday again. I couldn't help reflect on that horrific day in American history, which has since changed our lives in many ways.

I remember my mom waking me up at about 6:00, stating that something serious was happening and I should be aware of it. I watched the news clips and first worried about a friend living in NYC, a friend on duty in the Navy, my grandma in Virginia (being so close to D.C.), and my sister in L.A. (where there was rumor of another plane headed there that morning). I was shocked; nothing I had seen on the news had quite shaken me that way. I held back tears and tried to be brave, while at the same time feeling skeptical that I had actually just seen the terror on TV.

Next, prayer. People at work trickled in slowly, most late for shifts. Radios and news clips dialed in on various radio stations and websites. People chattered about theories, guessing what was really going on, what it really meant. No one could focus. Some people hugged, some cried, some complained about politics, some made phone calls to loved ones. The following day I remember being the kindest day in traffic history ever. People merged easily, making eye contact with others and waving them through. There seemed to be little speeding on the freeway; people seemed conscious that we were all alike...scared, proud, hopeful, proactive...Americans. At school the professors talked openly about the events and allowed the day's itinerary to be replaced by casual discussion about the disasters. The radio played the national anthem over and over, and God actually made it to mainstream conversations.

I remember talking with my pregnant friend about how she felt about bring a child into the world with these risks of terror. She admitted it scared her, but that she had faith in God's plan for the future; she didn't see sense in letting worry for when He will take us consume her life.


Tonight I want to honor the victims, as well as the men and women who served to protect this country, over seas and at home. As a result of this day in history, many lives have been changed in ways never expected or imagined. God bless America and the people who defend it!

I am blessed to live in this country. :)


Anonymous said...

You are a great writer.

Pippen Prints: Elizabeth Murray Design said...

I guess my student loans should count for something! Thanks for reading and thank you for the kind words. :)

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