Tonight as I watched Enchanted (great movie, by the way!), I was inspired to write this post. As women, many of us were once little girls who dreamed of being a princess, in a pretty ball gown, with our hair perfect, the perfect waist line, grace, poise, wonderful singing voice, and most of all a loving and handsome prince head over heals in love for us! Well, I certainly love a good fairy tale and I admit that my desire for one probably gets me in trouble from time to time with reality.
However, I was reminded tonight that maybe if the little girl in every woman pushed her to go for that dream of becoming a princess that perhaps she would find her prince and her happily ever after. If indeed a woman acted like a princess, would she be any less important, prestigious, strong, intelligent, capable, trustworthy or respected? My answer is of course not! The phrase "acting like a princess" is often used to refer to someone who is spoiled, selfish, or conceited, and when a man "treats a woman like a princess" it is assumed he caters to her every whim, holds her in an unrealistic regard, or that he gives himself and his dreams and goals up all for her happiness. I think these negative connotations are discouraging and it is my goal to change how people view a princess.
I will add that in reality a princess may lead a life unlike any we American women can even imagine, and also that a princess' life is probably far more demanding then we'd ever desire. But I am mostly referring to a fairy tale princess, the kind we girls grow up admiring and dreaming of becoming. Here is a list of qualities of a princess:
- she is kind
- she is beautiful on the inside, and cares about how she presents as well
- she is forgiving, understanding, and gracious
- she cares about animals and children, and in general all people's comfort
- she looks for the good in life and in people
- she trusts
- she believes in herself
- she is honest
- she is hopeful, even in the presence of evil
- she does not tolerate evil
- she shows respect to all creatures
- she mediates and attempts to help people get along
- she lifts up her man, supports him, and believes in him
- she is easy to please and enjoys life
- she is generous
- she is joyful
- she accepts help and is grateful
I'm sure I'm leaving some observations out. But after watching this movie, and thinking back to other fairy tales and stories with princesses, I wonder if it's really such a bad thing to act like a princess. Once I was told that I would always be treated like a princess, and I hope that I get a chance to act like a princess in return for the favor.
In what ways can you act like a princess? What qualities of a princess could make you a better woman?