I've heard the song before, and dozens of artists have recorded it, but this year I seem to hear it more than ever. I finally decided that perhaps it was my heart that was willing the song to me...like it was something that finally helped me put words to some of the desires of my heart. The song, as obvious as it may be, is called "My Grown-Up Christmas List." I love the words, and the melody is one of those songs that feels warm and soothing, like remembering times when I was little and my mom would cozy up with me in the rocking chair. It just about makes me cry every time I hear it, but in a way that I know healing is on the way. This song is starting to help my heart find a voice.
Here is My Grown-Up Christmas List:
No more lives torn apart
and wars would never start
and time would heal all hearts.
Everyone would have a friend
and right would always win
and love would never end.
I would like to add to that list a heart filled with peace, hope, and joy, courage to face change with a positive attitude, wisdom and discernment to pursue the right direction, patience and grace for when I or others make mistakes, prayer for me and for those I love, and the ability to put love first in most circumstances. If I could add one more request to my Christmas list I would ask that perhaps more people would share these wishes on "my list."
Christmas blessings!